VCR Tape Filer 1.1 Freeware 1992 Ken Winfield Intro.. This is a small database designed exclusively for VCR tape, it support listing by name, type, or location. It has build in search features, help menus and printing abilities. You must save before exiting the program, the program does all functions in ram: and will not save until you tell it to. VCR Tape Filer 1.1.... This program is very easy to use and therefore shouldn't need a very long doc file. For help in the program press the "?" button on the screen, this will enable a help mode. When this mode is on clicking on any button will display a message on the right monitor telling what that buttons function is. Always watch the right monitor for info on the program. Installation.. These programs should have no problems running on any amiga with 1.3 or 2.0 operating systems. They will run from floppy or hard disk, installation just involves dragging the icons to the designation dir. Improvements from 1.0.... Corrected a couple of display problems, program now will run from any dir or drawer without any assigns. Disclaimer.. VCR Tape Filer is freely distributable as long as all of its files are included in their original form without additions, or modifications of any kind, and only a nominal(small) fee is charged for distribution. This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.